Sunday, June 19, 2016

A full year of blessings

Praise God--I have reached my 1 year anniversary from my transplants!!!!

So many people have asked me if it feels like a year has passed.  I never have a simple answer for that.  Time is such an abstract concept for me.  Sometimes it feels like my surgery was longer than a year ago & sometimes it seems like just a few months have passed.  I'm feeling great physically so I'm really thankful!

When I started to write this post, I couldn't believe how much time had passed from my last one. When I wrote in January, I was feeling really foggy mentally since about October.  On Feb 14, my doctors ordered an MRI to rule out any brain issues.  The test came back normal, which didn't surprise them.  They felt it was just related to my body adjusting to the meds & still recovering from the major surgery. I felt relieved with the negative MRI, but the fogginess still was there.  

I was really frustrated because even normal daily activities were overwhelming.  However, I found comfort in knowing that there were many people praying for me during this tough time.  I didn't have anything new to say so that's why I didn't post here.  

Without any explanation, I woke up one morning in late March & felt clearer.  I actually felt like getting up & being productive.  Most other mornings, I had to drag myself out of bed.  For those of you who know me well, that is a drastic change for me. I usually wake around 5 or 5:30 & am ready to dive into the day.  My doctors couldn't explain it but said they had some other patients with the same symptoms & their fog also lifted without any treatment.  Nothing had changed for me...same meds, etc.  We attributed it to the power of prayer & just accepted it as something that I had to go through.    

So, I've been doing well since then.  My fogginess has returned a little in the past month but it isn't as severe as before.  I had another med change so perhaps it's due to that.  

As I titled this, this has been a year full of blessings...

...My doctors have been very pleased with my recovery so we're blessed that God provided a much quicker recovery than most other double organ transplant patients.  

...There have been no signs of rejection in this first critical year.

 ...My donor's family returned a letter to me.  I had written to them through a 3rd party.  The family wrote back to me and were thankful to hear from me.  We're still anonymous to each other, but it's a blessing to be able to express our thankfulness to them.  We hope it helps to ease the pain & adjustment to losing their father, son, husband...

...I have been discharged from my transplant physician.  I will now be followed by liver and kidney specialists. 

...Todd's work schedule has allowed him to attend all of my many medical appointments.  A second set of ears has been very helpful!  The medical world has always been fascinating to me & I worked in medical offices for many years.  Todd was not familiar with medical terminology but soon became an expert on my meds and a #1 nurse because of his desire to care for me.

...My number of pills have been decreased!  I'll own a pill box for the rest of my life.  However, some of the compartments are empty now. I was taking pills 4 times a it's only twice!  I now take 3 different anti-rejection meds and 1 blood pressure pill.  (A huge difference from when I came home from the hospital.) 

..I started out with bloodwork 3 times per week.  It has gradually decreased & is now only every 6 weeks. 
...Through this year, we've met many people who have been covering us in prayer in addition to the numerous others who we knew were praying.  What a blessing it is to be reminded that we not alone on this adventure.  

Todd bought a kayak before my surgery & wanted me to get one also.  I physically wasn't able to join him because I couldn't bend my body to get into it.  Also, if I would have flipped it, I don't think I would have been able to properly maneuver to set it upright.  Now, my doctors have cleared me to be in lake waters and Todd thought I was ready so he bought a kayak for me.  It is a blessing to be able to enjoy something active with my family and my new body.


It has been a huge blessing to be a living, walking, kayaking example of God's miracles.  I still get asked about prayer requests.  In case you're wondering, they would include... donor's family & whatever their needs may be

...helping my foggy brain & the way I can easily be overwhelmed low energy level.  My doctor just started me on an iron supplement.  Hopefully that will help.

...I have such a story to tell (as we all do).  Pray that God would be glorified as my story is told so that others learn more about Him.

Once again, thanks for following God's work through a medical miracle and answer to prayers!

With love and thankfulness,

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! I celebrate your healing with you!

