Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Most commonly asked question...

"You look fine--why do you need a transplant?"  That's the most common response I hear when someone discovers that I'm on a kidney/liver transplant list.  Let me explain by taking you back to 1983...

While in college studying to be a medical assistant, our class was learning how to take each other's blood pressure the old fashioned way.  My classmate thought she was failing this lesson because she kept getting really high BP readings on me.  Our instructor confirmed that she was getting accurate readings & explained to the class that these were the BP numbers that should have medical attention. (I always liked show & tell--guess I tried to do it in college, too!)  So, after some doctor visits & tests, it was confirmed that I had PKD (polycystic kidney disease).

PKD is a condition where fluid-fillled cysts grow on kidneys & can effect their function.  I was familiar with PKD because some members of my family have it. At the time of my diagnosis, my kidneys were functioning fine, so BP meds & monitoring were all that was needed.  However, I knew that it was likely that my future contained a kidney transplant.

I can't say that I was looking forward to a kidney transplant.  However, it's a familiar process to me-- my mother & brother have had kidney transplants with great success. They are an inspiration to me!

So, what about the liver? Stay tuned...


(It's amazing that none of this was a surprise to God--"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb" - Jeremiah 1:5)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kairos--A journey on God's time!

Welcome to my blog!  I'm thankful that God has provided family & friends to walk on this journey with Todd, Sara, Carly & I.  Thanks for being here!!

To explain the blog title--let me teach you some Greek and take you back in time...

The Greek words, chronos & kairos, literally mean "time".  Contrasting with chronos, meaning ordinary or chronological time, kairos (ki-ros)  means holy or God-given time. 
As some of you know, Todd & I lived & traveled aboard a sailboat from 1997-2001.  When we resigned our jobs in '97, we weren't sure how long we would be gone.  We figured it was up to God.  Thus, we thought the appropriate name for our sailboat should be "Kairos".

The name held true for our boat.  We traveled throughout the US East Coast & Bahamas and, quite often, our direction was determined by weather and/or places where we could serve--both initiated by God.  Also, in His time, God revealed when we should stop sailing & return to land when Sara celebrated her 1st birthday in 2001.

And now, this journey toward a new liver & kidney is also in God's hands.  So, as I was thinking about names for this blog, I had lots of ideas in my head.  However,  Kairos just seemed to fit again.  When I heard the doctor's recommendation for a transplant, one of my first thoughts was "God will have lots of opportunities to teach me through this process".  You see, I'm a detail-oriented person who likes to plan.  As I explain this transplant process in later posts, you'll see why this can challenge me.

Welcome to my journey on Kairos time!

With love & gratefulness,
