Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Woo hoo--27 points!!

Happy Spring!!

Wow--another month has gone by since my last update. I actually lost track of time and just realized that 3 months have gone by since I was given a score of 25.  My doctors can re-apply every 90 days & I just found out that I've been moved up to a score of 27!  That doesn't give us any more info about the timing for a transplant, but now they are saying that I have a "high score".  They will re-apply in June for 29 points, unless God provides a donor before that time.

I'm so amazed at how many people have shared that they are praying for our family.  It's very encouraging & gives us strength.  I've been asked what specific prayer requests I have so I thought I would share some...

~~for my donor's family. It saddens me to know that someone else will be grieving over a death while I'm receiving such a wonderful gift.  I pray that they know Jesus & can have peace in their time of sorrow.

~~for peace for my family & for them leaning on the knowledge of who is really in control.  God will provide our every need, in His perfect timing.  He has already provided a community that surrounds us & is walking beside us.

~~for continued peace & patience for me. I have had a deep peace, that only comes from God. I pray that it continues despite my growing belly & the days when my discomfort is greater & I have difficulty sleeping. 

~~for learning how to adjust my eating habits in order to minimize the discomfort after eating. 

~~for learning how to be patiently on the receiving end of serving.  We have had so many offers for help during my hospitalization (approx 2 weeks) & recovery.  What a blessing!  I believe, however, that I may have difficulty watching others do the things that I usually do.  It's not that they won't do it to my satisfaction--I just like being in motion & being independent. 

If you are a prayer partner--thanks!!

Every day is part of the journey that God has planned for us.  It's easy to focus on a future event & think of the days in between as just waiting time.  Our "tunnel vision" could put us at risk for missing blessings and opportunities along the path while we wait.

So, I encourage you to take time to stop & thank God for your blessings every day!  Look and listen for the opportunities that He has ready & waiting for you! 

With peace & love,
Belinda & Meg

John 14:27 records Jesus' words~ “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid."
