Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blessings abound!

Long time...no post...

I hope you are all doing well & enjoying the beauty of fall!

I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last post. Since May, I've been dealing with almost constant headches and some difficulty with mental clarity so I haven't spent much time on the computer.  However, during this time of not feeling well, God has been reminding me of His presence by blessings around me.  Here are just a few:

It seems that when I'm feeling a little low, I get a text or card or someone reminds me that they're praying for us.  I'm amazed at how many prayer lists we're on--can't have too many of those!

One day, my parents got a call from a distant cousin of mine. He heard about my situation & felt that God was calling him to be a donor for me. He was extremely disappointed when I told him that I needed a deceased donor so I couldn't take his offer. Just the thought that he cared enough to call me was a lift to my spirit!

Others have offered to donate blood.  Not sure if that will be needed but their offer warms my heart. 

We have had meals donated.  Some have been frozen for later use, but some have been used to lighten our burden on tougher days.  One less thing to think about when rest is really what I want :)

The month of August was the worst time for my headaches & mental fogginess.  Even something as simple as playing a game, following a recipe, or going to the grocery store was frustrating for me.  I felt exhausted all of the time. I called my transplant coordinator to see what I should do & she said that it would be a good idea for me to be re-evaluated by the transplant doctors since it was almost 1 year since my last full evaluation. 

So, in mid August my liver doctor re-evaluated me & ordered an MRI to rule out an aneurysm or cysts on my brain that could be causing these headaches & other symptoms.  Thankfully, the MRI did not show any of the suspected things. However, my doctor did not know any other causes & referred me to a neurologist.  The 1st available appointment was October. They told me that I should feel fortunate--usually, the wait is longer. 

Now, here's when another blessing happened:  after my August appointment & MRI, I was very discouraged because daily functions were becoming more difficult & I would have to wait 2 months to see another doctor for any possible treatment.  At the height of my difficult days, 2 separate groups of friends met for their weekly gatherings where prayer is the focus.  That Tuesday, both groups prayed specifically for my symptoms and within 2 hours of their prayers, I felt the fogginess lift from me. It wasn't anything gradual--I felt a sudden change in my mental clarity.  The headaches & fatigue have continued but the fogginess hasn't returned in that severity!  Praise God!!!

It's easy to get discouraged while waiting. Our faithful God often shows me that He is still present & He has used many of you for those reminders.  We are so blessed by the community around us!

With weariness, but hope,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding" ~~Proverbs 3:5-6

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